Pink Palace Front Entrance



Join MoSH in partnership with Code Crew this Black History Month to celebrate some of the leaders and up and coming superstars of the Memphis tech field.

Stargazing on The Lawn

Museum & Mansion

Celebrate the night sky with MoSH on the front lawn of the Pink Palace Mansion.

Two Minutes to Midnight and the Architecture of Armageddon

Through two photographic essays, photographers Jeanine Michna-Bales and Adam Reynolds offer a calculated look at the “Architecture of Armageddon,” both the offensive and defensive implications of nuclear war.

AI After Dark – A Hi-Tech Happy Hour

Join us for a night of drinks and games to see two eye-opening exhibits Artificial Intelligence: Your Mind & The Machine, and Web of Innovation: AI in Memphis. We’ll also be showing AI-related films with interactive fun. So come join us for one or the other or both!


Join MoSH for the second installment of Imposter!, the museum-wide game where crew members must complete technology activities and scavenger hunts to build a spaceship.

AI After Dark – A Hi-Tech Happy Hour

Join us for a night of drinks and games to see two eye-opening exhibits Artificial Intelligence: Your Mind & The Machine, and Web of Innovation: AI in Memphis. We’ll also be showing AI-related films with interactive fun. So come join us for one or the other or both!