Donations & Sponsorships

How Your Support Impacts MoSH (Memphis Museum of Science and History)


Educating our future Historians, Scientists, and Astronomers

Talented and brilliant children and adults explore MoSH and its properties every day to become inspired

about science, history, nature, and astronomy. Your contribution helps keep these programs low cost

and available to all of our future historians, scientists, and astronomers. Help us keep their dreams


Restoring and Preserving our Collection

Your support will allow our curatorial staff to maintain and restore artifacts that represent Memphis and

our region for visitors around the world to enjoy. Recently, donations from members and supporters

allowed MoSH to bring a Mosasaur to life on display at our front gates, welcoming everyone to MoSH.

MoSH for everyone

MoSH believes that everyone should be allowed to learn about the cultural and natural histories of our

region and continued to be on display. Contributions allow MoSH to reach all areas of our diverse community

by uplifting and shedding light on the Memphis regional culture through exhibits like Making Memphis: 200

Years of Community, the upcoming Gallery of Memphians, and Rise Up: Stonewall and the LGBTQ

Rights Movement.

We pride ourselves on our uniqueness and our capacity for impact.

For more information about how you can support the Museum of Science & History contact Jared Bulluck.